Ways to Give

The world needs you! Support the biggest campaign in Saskatchewan's history.

Donate Today

Donate Online

Secure online giving with Mastercard, Visa, and American Express

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Donate by Phone

Prefer to chat? Call us at:

1-800-699-1907 (toll-free)
8:30 am - 4:30 pm

Donate by Mail

Complete Pledge Form 

All cheques must be made payable to "University of Saskatchewan" and mailed to this address

Invest in USask's Future

Recurrent Giving

Recurring donations that provide crucial funding for scholarships, learning experiences and other priority needs.

Legacy Giving

Make a gift in your will and other future gifts.

Payroll Deduction

 USask employees can use payroll deduction giving. 

More Ways to Give

Gifts of Securities

Donate publicly traded stocks and securities directly to the university.

Matching Gifts

Many companies match the donations that their employees make to non-profit and charitable organizations.

Contact Us

To speak to someone about making a gift, email us at giving@usask.ca.



